Wanderlust-Albania is a local tourist agency founded by a group of professional tour guides who are passionate about showcasing the best of our country’s natural beauty, architecture, history, cuisine, religious harmony, and daily life of our country. We are a small but fully dedicated agency that is run entirely by this group of professional guides. Our team has over 15 years of experience in the tourism industry, and we want to share with you. We have guided with some of the largest companies in Europe. We offer dedicated services with international standards but with a unique local flavor, thinking globally and acting locally. 

 Because we are completely dedicated and we are always on the ground with our guests, ensuring that they experience the best of Albania and preserve the best memories from our country. we joy our tours same as our guests. And of course, because we are funny, and we want you to come back to us again. To us, you are guests and not customers.





Elton Hoxha has been working as a tour guide for 15 years. Since returning from Switzerland, he has been eager to explore the Albanian Alps and wants to tell visitors about the greatness of the Albanian mountains, just like the Swiss ones. Toni is a guide for German and Italian languages. He has led various mountain and cultural guides for many German agencies. Toni will be happy to show you all the beauties of the Albanian mountains and the historical heritage of his country.

Miklor Pasku graduated from the University of Tirana, Department of History Geography, works as a cultural guide in English and Italian languages for 20 years. He is also one of the consultants and collaborators of the tourism directorate of the city of Berat, offering his knowledge and experience in the field of tourism as well as the cultural heritage of the city of Berat part of UNESCO world heritage. His knowledge and skills on the cultural and historical heritage of Albania are a priceless source of information. He welcomes anyone who wants to discuss or learn about Albania.

Dritan Bazaj is a professional guide who graduated from the Military Academy in Tirana, Albania. He is passionate about the mountains and landscape of his country, and he is pleased to lead mountain and cultural tours through Albania. Dritan is an experienced mountain guide and has created several hiking trails in Albania. Dritan is fluent in German, English and Italian, and he has been running tours for many foreign companies.

Genti Cela graduated from the University of Foreign Languages in Tirana, Germanist. After a 15-year experience in the German-speaking countries he has returned to Albania and works as a tour guide in German, English, Italian and French. Part of his professional guides are mountain guides as well as cultural historical guides, not only Albania as well as in the Western Balkans. With the desire and passion tells us about our country, culture, traditions, history and the natural beauties of Albania.


Antonela Cami, an ardent nature enthusiast and passionate mountaineer, immerses herself in the mountains. With eight years of experience in the tourism industry, she adeptly serves as a mountain guide for English and Italian-speaking guests. As a certified hiking guide, Antonela orchestrates full-day hikes, ensuring that participants explore the diverse and breathtaking landscapes of the albanian Mountains, creating an unforgettable experience until the very last step of the journey. 


Nancy Bakalli is a native of Tirana, where she pursued her passion for acting. She completed her master’s degree at a university in Berlin, and then came back to her country. She works as a tour guide, sharing her love for the mountains, the culture, the tradition, and the history of Albania. Nancy is fluent in German, Spanish, and English.




All our guides have extensive experience in guiding and managing both cultural and mountain tours. As professional guides, they have guided for large number of touristic companies in Germany such as Wikinger, DAV Summit Club, SKR-Reisen, Weltweitwander, Huttenleben, Lebenlust, Studioso, Humboldt Reisewelt and more.