Nje roundtrip ne kater shtetet e ballkanit perendimor, per te mesuar me shume per historine kulturen tradita e kesaj regioni te harruar prej shume kohewsh por me nje histori turbulente dhe tradita shumengjyreshe. nje rrugetim qe na tregon jeten e



A journey in the southern part of Albania amidst breathtaking landscapes of mountains and the Ionian Sea, ancient and medieval cities, churches, and mosques. An exploration of the rich history and culture of this ancient Balkan land, with an unique language and a civilization marked by ancient Illyrians, Romans, Greeks, Byzantines, Ottomans, communism, and  today's modernism, a daily escape to the island of Corfu and two nights in the city of Ohrid along the lake of the same name. 
